Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

bagaimana cara koneksi internet

cara koneksi internet, bagamana cara koneksi ke internet ? atau bagamana mengkoneksikan laptop atau komputer ke internet. saat ini ada banyak media yang bisa di gunakan untuk mengkoneksikan laptop / komputer ke internet, dan yang paling banyak di gunakan adalah media wireless dan modem portable. cara koneksi internet yang di gunakan sangat berpengaruh dengan kecepatan download atau browsing sobat. jadi beda cara koneksi internet beda media, beda perangkat koneksi internet juga beda harga.

Berbagai cara koneksi internet

Saat ini cara koneksi internet terbilang sangat mudah, baik yang berbayar maupun yang sifatnya free. Bagi sobat yang berada di perkotaan mendapatkan koneksi internet bukan sesuatu yang sulit, berbeda dengan sobat yang berada di daerah – daerah terpencil misalnya kepulauan cara koneksi internet sangat tergantung dengan media yang di gunakan dan provider yang ada.

Cara koneksi internet dengn modem portable

saat ini para provider seluler rata-rata menyediakan koneksi data internet yang bisa di akses dengan modem portable, secara umum cara koneksi internet dengan modem portable di bagi dua kategori yaitu GSM atau CDMA keduanya sangat berbeda dari segi perangkat, dan point penting bagi sobat yang ingin menggunakan cara koneksi internet ini adalah ketersediaan provider, dan pengalaman saya beda daerah beda kecepatan jadi tidak mutlak sama tiap daerah, karena sifat koneksinya yang share (dibagi) jadi kecepatan akses download dan upload atau browsing sangat tergantung dengan berapa orang yang menggunakan layanan ini.

Cara koneksi internet dengan modem adsl

di indonesia saat ini, Cara koneksi internet dengan modem ADSL bisa menggunkan Provider Telkom, tepatnya telkom speedy. beda dengan modem portable yang di atas yang bisa di bawah kemana – mana, penggunakan modem adsl sangat tergantung dengan line telpon yang ada, jadi syarat mutlak pengguna faslitas ini adalah ketersediaan kabel (line) telkom.

Cara koneksi internet internet dengan Wireless

Wireless adalah media yang digunakan untuk menyebearkan (distribusi) layanan internet pengganti kabel LAN, penggunaan Media ini biasanya di gunakan di kantor-kantor, cafe dan tempat umum lainnya. Dan saat ini banyak di kembangkan di perumahan dengan konsep RT/RW net. Yang menjadi perbedaan mendasar dari Cara koneksi internet seperti ini adalah Media yang digunakan yang menggunakan perangkat wireless.

Cara koneksi internet dengan VSAT

Cara koneksi internet seperti ini sangat jarang di gunakan untuk kebutuhan personal, di samping biaya perangkat VSAT yang terbilang mahal Biaya bandwidth dari provider juga mahal, umum Cara koneksi internet dengan VSAT banyak di gunakan di daerah – daerah terpencil atau kepulauan. yang tidak tersedian koneksi internet dari Provider Lokal, atau dari Opertor Seluler.

Inilah beberapa Cara koneksi internet yang pernah saya temui dan pernah saya gunakan. mugkin sobat bisa menambahkan beberapa Cara koneksi internet yang lainnya dan artikel lainya ketahui cara memilih koneksi internet .

Mempercepat koneksi internet

mempercepat koneksi internet, Kali ini saya ingin berbagi tips mempercepat koneksi internet, bukan cara mempercepat koneksi internet. jadi jangan berharap sobat bisa mendapatkan aplikasi untuk mempercepat akses internet. mempercepat koneksi internet bisa berbagai cara termasuk mempercepat loading youtube, mempercepat akses mozilla firefox atau mempercepat koneksi internet wireless, LAN dial up atau bahkan mempercepat koneksi internet pada windows 7 atau xp. menggunakan proxy server, mikrotik atau malah menggunakan regedit pada windows.  tips dan trik seperti ini bisa  Mempercepat koneksi internet atau bahkan membuat internet bermasalah sehingga internet bisa menjadi lambat.

Mempercepat koneksi internet speedy

Menggunakan speedy sebagai internet sangat – sangat terkait dengan TELKOM sebagai penyedia layanan. Kendala utama yang sering di hadapi bukan pada pengguna, tetapi pada penyedia internet service Telkom ini, ini tidak bersifat umum tetapi terkadang media (kabel Telkom) berpengaruh dengan kualitas koneksi speedy sobat. Untuk mempercepat koneksi internet speedy hanya terkait pada modem, gunakan modem yang bagus, usahakan menggunakan pendingin (kipas) pada modem.

Mempercepat koneksi internet LAN

Koneksi internet menggunakan jaringan LAN sebagai media perantara yang menghubungkan internet sobat dengan server internet luar sangat di pengaruhi oleh tipologi jaringan yang di terapkan. kualitas kabel LAN dan RJ45 sangat sensitive pada penggunakan koneksi internet dengan LAN.

Mempercepat koneksi internet wireless

Berbeda dengan LAN, koneksi internet wireless sebagai media perantara jaringan di pengaruhi oleh kualitas signal yang ada dan jarak akses point dan penerima. Kadang beda hardware sangat berpengaruh dengan kualitas signal yang ada. Untuk koneksi internet wireless ada beberapa point yang mesti dipenuhi yaitu, signal, chanell yang digunakan, kualitas akses point, kualitas penerima apakah menggunakan aksess point atau menggunakan laptop. Dan yang terakhir intervensi signal dari perangkat lainnya.

Mempercepat koneksi internet windows 7

Nah sekarang kita sudah masuk pada sisi client, pada point di atas adalah media yang digunakan. Kenapa saya menggunakan windows 7 sebagai contoh, karena windows ini yang paling banyak bermasalah menurut saya, berbeda dengan windows xp banyak cara untuk mempercepat koneksi internet pada windows xp, tapi pada windows 7 masih jarang di temui.

Hal yang paling penting diperhatikan pada windows 7 terkait dengan Mempercepat koneksi internet adalah ketersediaan RAM untuk mengakses dan spesifikasi hardware wireless atau LAN yang digunakan.  Penggunaan aplikasi / program browser internet seperti Mozilla, chrome, internet explorer sangat berpengaruh. Mungkin sobat bertanya kenapa bisa begitu ? Jawabannya simple tiap aplikasi / software mempunyai kebutuhan memory dan cara kerja yang berbeda. Saya menyarankan untuk mempercepat koneksi internet menggunakan google chrome sebagai browser default. Karena penggunaan memory yang digunakan terbilang sedikit di banding dengan browser lainnya.

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Suerte - Premium Corporate & Portfolio theme

Suerte is a premium wordpress theme, built for your corporate/portfolio site or your personal blog. Suerte give a fresh and original perspective to your site.Suerte demo:

WordPress Itis Theme by ThemeForest

Itis A premium Flickr WordPress theme.The Itis theme fully integrates the Flickr API and lets you import in your theme all your recent photos, favourites photos, tagged photos, photo sets and galleries without limits. The top slider page (the current home page) can load any media, recent works, recent blog posts or a specific category.Itis demo:

Highlight - Powerful Premium Theme by ThemeForest

Highlight is a powerful and fully customizable WordPress theme – it is built with all the main functionality you will need to show your products, work and yourself in a professional style. The Highlight theme is highly flexible and created to be easily customized, even for newbies. With the powerful admin changing the color scheme is super simple and for the most parts you won’t need an image

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

MediaReel - Portfolio, Photography Theme by ThemeForest

MediaReel is a powerful, premium fullscreen background WordPress theme great for photography and portfolio websites but can also be used for other projects.MediaReel demo:

Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Delight Fullscreen Portfolio Theme by ThemeForest

Delight is a Powerful Professional Wordpress Theme, with Fullscreen background. It requires PHP5 . Delight theme comes with many jQuery effects (Cycle, Tabs, Accordions, Drop Down Menu, Tooltip, Colorbox, Auto alignment and more…), unlimited skins, unlimited possibilities, Google web fonts, different page templates, drag & drop system to compose your contact forms, and slideshows, a huge number

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Averin Magazine Theme by ThemeForest

Averin is a robust and capable News/Magazine type WordPress theme. Use this theme to setup an industry news site, a tutorial site, freebies site with downloads and give-a-ways, or even just for use as a blog theme. Averin demo:

Big City - Personal and Blog Theme by ThemeForest

Big City is a Personal and Blog WordPress Theme. Packed with powerful features to suit almost every needs and yet so simple to use.BigCity demo:

EduPress - Education Premium Theme by WpZoom

EduPress is a beautifully organized education WordPress theme for universities, colleges, schools, etc. Enhanced with 7 custom WPZOOM widgets, this theme is flexible, versatile and easy to customize.EduPress demo:

The Cotton - Powerful Minimalistic Theme by ThemeForest

The Cotton is a Powerful Premium WordPress Theme designed in a minimalistic style. This theme provides all the main functionality you will need to present your products, work and yourself in an elegant and professional style. The Cotton theme is highly flexible, so customizing the theme or simply changing the color scheme is super simple and for the most parts you won’t need an image editor. The

G6 Feature - Business & Portfolio Theme by ThemeForest

G6 Feature is a Powerful Professional Premium Wordpress theme made for your Personal, Blog, Portfolio, Business or almost any other kind of website.G6 Feature demo:

Smartblog 1.0.1 Theme by ThemeJunkie

Smartblog theme has been released. This theme has a modern looking and includes 3 layout options, 6 stylish color schemes, 7 useful custom widgets and a lot more features. With Smartblog theme you could turn your blog to a professional & attractive site very easily.Smartblog demo:

Nuance - Powerful Modern Theme by ThemeForest

Nuance is a theme that we’ve made with in mind to keep it simple and flexible as possible. Like our other themes, Nuance contains the amazing Content Composer so you can create professional pages in minutes! There are lots of Page and Post options that you can use to make every page unique to your needs.Nuance demo:

Karma v 2.0.3 - Clean and Modern Theme by ThemeForest

Karma is a Premium Wordpress Theme built on a highly intelligent framework. It’s the only theme on Themeforest to feature the amazing new CU3ER v1 3D slider. Whether your a wordpress pro or just a beginner, you’ll have absolutely no problems at all working with the Karma theme.Karma demo:

Transcript 1.6 - Magazine Theme by Gabfire

Transcript is a multi-purpose and stylish news / magazine theme which includes an eye-catching slider and a built-in advertisement management module.With Transcript you will realize newspaper blogging can also be lots of fun. It incorporates some of the best features tailor made for newspaper sites, plus a user friendly and appealing design, with different color combinations.Transcript demo: http

Empire Premium WP Theme by WooThemes

Empire is a multi-functional business theme with clean typography & coloring and subtle box shadow styling. It has a customizable slider, uniquely styled widget regions, a portfolio section for products or galleries, and a team page template.Empire demo:

Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Mobile Mass Money Software

The Mobile Mass Money software takes advantage of a subtle “flaw” in the software code of every mobile phone system in the world to send you FLOODS of buyer traffic and cash.The best part is - Nobody has a clue on how the Mobile Mass Money software works. So the gurus won’t even be able to figure this out. Think about it for a second: Everybody knows that mobile is where online marketing is

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

Studiopress Genesis Theme 1.7 Framework and Child Themes

The Genesis Theme Framework and child themes empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis Theme provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go.Genesis Theme Framework demo: theme version:

Senin, 11 Juli 2011

Linepress Magazine/News Theme by Gabfire

Built on latest Gabfire framework, with Linepress, we wanted to harness the look and feel of an online newspaper, but maintain the ease of a standard blog.There are dozens of theme options to modify the site to your liking. Most importantly, you can expect the same level of thought-work put into the LinePress back-end as any of our other newspaper themes.Linepress demo: http://

WebHosting Business Theme by Templatic

Create & manage your WebHosting business website in WordPress. This easy to use and manage theme will help you save time, money and effort while quickly giving you professional online presence for your WebHosting business.WebHosting demo:

Overtime - Premium Theme by Gabfire

Promotion of a business is just as important as the business itself. With Overtime we aimed to provide an “all in one” solution to promote your company, product or service. Whether you want to build a website for a law firm, a school, real estate or travel agency or even a website for a health care field, you’ll find the possibilities of building it within minutes using Overtime.Overtime demo:

Updated NewsPro Magazine Theme by Gabfire

NewsPro Magazine is a multipurpose WordPress theme that suits for anyone running a news or magazine style website.The NewsPro Magazine has four column homepage layout with Ajax tabs that can be used as positions to highlight featured articles or custom widgets. The theme also comes with inbuilt Video and Photo Gallery modules.NewsPro Magazine demo:

CircloSquero Theme by Themeforest

CircloSquero is a WordPress theme which has great and modern design to fit any business or personal web site. It is very easy to install and use, without unnecesary options that will just waste your time, yet very flexible. CircloSquero has lots of handy shortcodes to present your content in the best possible way.CircloSquero demo:

Celta Business - Modern Corporate Theme

Celta Business is a modern corporate theme that features an unique design, suitable for any company. This theme is based on a solid Wordpress framework, that includes several great features like visual shortcodes editor and a powerful admin panel. Celta Business ease of use makes it a theme suitable for both Wordpress experts and beginners.Celta Business demo:

Black Sakura WP Theme by Themeforest

Black Sakura WP is a clean and trendy-looking WordPress theme which uses WooThemes Tumblog plugin to create a Tumblr-like post types. You can post from WP Dashboard widget or iPhone Express App. Black Sakura WP is perfect for a personal blog / magazine but also will do fine as a portfolio or photo gallery. It is very easy to use, and it takes only a couple of minutes to set it up.Black Sakura WP

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Poser Ink A - Premium Magazine Theme by ThemeForest

Poser Ink A is a clean, modern magazine and portfolio WordPress theme created by ThemeForest with boat loads of powerful features utilising the latest WordPress features with custom post types, unlimited colors, and loads of shortcodes and options. Many option of customization are provided too…Try it !Poser Ink A demo:

tinyBlog - Tumblog Theme by ThemeForest

tinyBlog is a Premium WordPress theme which uses the Wootumblog plugin to make your WordPress site behave like a Tumblr site.This is a fast growing segment and we feel we have something great to offer. So we got to work converting one of our popular tumblr themes, micro.Inkdrop, into a fully fledged WordPress theme packed with all the Obox goodness.tinyBlog

Vectors - Community Theme by ThemeForest

Vectors is a robust and capable community WordPress theme planned and designed for use as a news, blog, industry news, or community theme. Vectors comes equipped with many custom widgets, unique page templates, color schemes, and theme options.

Vectors is perfectly built for you the creative blogger in mind. Whether you are looking to start a tutorial site, a round up, best-of-the-best, or

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Fringe Tech Premium Theme by ThemeForest

Fringe Tech is a professional WordPress technical portfolio theme.

Fringe Tech demo:

Temptation - Single Page Theme by ThemeForest

Temptation is a single page portfolio theme with a minimal and clean design with strong typography, well suited for personal and professional use. If you’re in need for a theme with emphasis on content with strong and bold typography, this is the template for you.

Temptation demo:

Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Bamboo Theme by Themeforest

Bamboo is a clean and simple Wordpress Theme for SPA , Health Center or something else websites. Bamboo includes portfolio and services pages. So you can use this Theme for portfolio website.

Bamboo demo:

SupportPress Premium Theme by WooThemes

SupportPress is our second application style theme designed to create a clean and simple, yet powerful help desk using WordPress core functionality. Customers can submit support requests but are encouraged to check an intuitive knowledgebase to learn if their issues have already been resolved. Agents (your staff) administrate tickets by setting priorities and delegating tasks to fellow team

Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Artisan Creatif Theme by ThemeForest

Artisan Creatif is the ideal, turn-key Wordpress theme solution for creative professionals, design firms, agencies & studios. Whether you’re an established photography studio or an up and coming artist, Artisan Creatif will answer your needs for a professional portfolio publishing platform. Born from our extensive knowledge and experience as a boutique design and development studio, this theme

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Statua - Premium Theme by WooThemes

Statua is another theme aimed at photo enthusiasts who want to use WordPress to show off their photos and galleries in a stylish fashion. The Statua theme makes use of JavaScript sliders and alternative layouts to make it easy to setup and customize.

Statua demo:

Editorial - Magazine Premium Theme by WooThemes

Editorial is a magazine theme created by WooThemes which gives you complete control over your post layouts. Each post can be styled uniquely with 1,2 or 3 column layouts. A featured slider, customizable header space, and AJAX powered category posts module allows for your content to be the core focus of your website.

Editorial demo:

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

RT-Theme 13 Multi-Purpose Premium Theme by ThemeForest

RT-Theme 13 is a multi-purpose wordpress theme with powerfull CMS tools. You can use it for business, corporate, product catalogue, services or portfolio web sites. You can easily re-brand your theme by using the amazing background tools and 5 premium skin options. RT-Theme 13 is ready to translate and you can run a multi-language web site with the WPML plugin.

RT-Theme 13 demo: http://

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Boutique - Ecommerce Theme by ElegantThemes

Boutique give you the power to open your own online storefront. The Boutique theme has been built to integrate with some of the most popular eCommerce plugins available, allowing people to use their favorite system without any conflicts.

Boutique demo:

Accent Clean WP Theme for Business Corporate Portfolio

Accent is the Wordpress theme for Business, Portfolio, Corporate built with latest Wordpress 3.1 features. Custom Post Type, Unlimited Colors, Extensive admin panel etc.

Accent demo:

U-Design Premium Theme by ThemeForest

U-Design is a very powerful theme which suits both, users with no programming background as well as advanced developers. It will help you build your site in no time to your liking with minimal effort. The U-Design theme empowers you to set any color to elements such as backgrounds, links, text, menu links, etc. You can completely change the look and feel of your site in seconds. You can also

Colorway Theme by InkThemes

Colorway theme is perfect for quick and easy blogging with a clean and modern interface and tons of features. The layout of Colorway does not distract from your content, which is vital for a site devoted to blogging.

Colorway demo:

Continuum - Magazine Theme by ThemeForest

Stop fussing with lengthy setups; Continuum immediately works perfectly. Of course, with almost 200 theme options, you can customize it to no end. Continuum theme was designed and built by a die-hard blogger who has used magazine-style Wordpress themes for 5+ years. It is best used for newspaper and magazine blogs, but it can be molded into whatever kind of site you want, like a portfolio site

Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

CTR Theme - The Ultimate AdSense Theme by CTRtheme

CTR Theme makes it easy to build informational websites monetized with AdSense that get awesome click-through rates (CTR). AdSense provides hands-off recurring income, but usually these sites leave a lot of money on the table by having bad designs or underoptimized ad placement.

CTR Theme demo:

Garnish - Clean-Cut Portfolio Theme by ThemeForest

Garnish is a clean-cut, straight to the point, simple to use portfolio theme. The uncluttered, one-page, ajax-powered portfolio is perfect for placing your most important work directly in front of your potential clients.

If you have ever used a “coming soon” page in place of your portfolio on account of being too busy, Garnish is for you. It’s simple, convenient and to the point. If you’re the

Sofa OpnPress - Publishing Platform Theme by ThemeForest

Sofa OpnPress theme is tailored to enable users to make entries (Posts) via front-end. It means that site users will actually never have to access Admin dashboard to submit new post, edit existing one or delete.
Site owner can also make a few bucks because OpnPress theme has built in deposit system which works with PayPal. It’s up to you to decide whether user submissions are free or require

StoreBox - Ecommerce Theme by Templatic

Create and manage a fully functional Ecommerce site using WordPress. StoreBox theme will help you in creating a Ecommerce site that not only has great features and functionalities of Ecommerce site, but also looks amazing.

StoreBox demo:

Musician Theme by Templatic

Create an Ecommerce site in WordPress for Artists to share/sell their work. Musician theme will help you in creating a Ecommerce site that not only has plethora of options and functionalities but also looks neat, clean and focuses on content

Musician demo:

WordPress Politico Theme by ThemeForest

The FIRST political theme on ThemeForest! WordPress Politico is ideal for political campaign sites. The slideshow is great for drawing attention to important issues or promoting a candidate into office.

WordPress Politico demo:

Appointment - Premium Theme by Templatic

Create a site for Professionals who want to manage Appointments online - the easy way. Appointment theme is for Lawyers, Doctors, Consultants, Web Developers, Business Professionals and anyone wanting to create a full fledged site that enables them to take appointments from their clients

Appointment demo:

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Pride & Joy Theme by MojoThemes

Pride & Joy is a beautiful, minimalist, clean looking WordPress theme created by MojoThemes, with easy to customize color scheme, typography, graphic header and background. Pride & Joy theme comes with 6 color schemes, more than 10 Cufon fonts, 9 widget area, 50+ theme options, WP3 new features ( Custom Menu, Header, Background), localisation support, Shortcodes, and many more.

Pride & Joy demo

Cleaner - Business Theme by MojoThemes

Are you running a dirty business? Is so, it’s time to clean it up with Cleaner Business for WordPress. The Cleaner premium WordPress theme has been designed by MojoThemes for those looking to create a very clean and minimalistic website to show off their business or personal portfolio.

Cleaner demo:

Dandelion - Powerful Elegant Theme by ThemeForest

Dandelion is a Powerful Premium WordPress Theme created by ThemeForest. This latest version of the Dandelion theme provides all the main functionality you will need to present your products, work and yourself in an elegant and professional style. The Dandelion theme is highly flexible, so changing the color scheme is super simple and for the most parts you won’t need an image editor. Dandelion

Wordshaft - Premium Theme by MojoThemes

Wordshaft is a great WordPress theme for community or personal blogger created by MojoThemes with clean design and neat code. The rich Wordshaft theme admin panel and widgets enable you to control your content, manage your advertisement, show your latest tweet, video, photos and much more.

Wordshaft demo:

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

WP-Clear 2.0 - Magazine Theme by Solostream

With its clean, minimalist and professional-looking design, WP-Clear (version 2.0 ) is one of Solostream's most popular themes. Multiple page layouts and a built-in control panel make it flexible and easy to use. WP-Clear can be used as a blog, an online magazine or a business website.

WP-Clear demo:

Avenue - Magazine Theme by ThemeForest

Avenue is a feature-rich WordPress magazine theme created by ThemeForest and suitable for almost any niche. The Avenue theme comes with an inbuilt review system and 3 post formats (videos, audio & galleries). The homepage layout is very flexible, you can built your own layout using the 3 homepage widgets. You can also easily change the skin so it fits your needs!

Avenue demo: http://

Sidepane Premium Theme by Themify

The unique characteristic of Sidepane theme is its fixed sidebar. It makes navigating easier. Your readers never need to scroll up and down to browse around. Readers can jump between posts with the Sidepane's navigation dock on the right side. Sidepane theme is great for sites with clean and minimal sidebar.

Sidepane demo:

Mercury - Blog, Portfolio & Shopping Cart Theme

Powered by 3rd generation of easySite plugin, Mercury theme includes all features you need for publish your website in the shortest time possible. Starting from more than 800 customers feedback, all Mercury's features are made according with your needs rather you are an expert or a WordPress beginner.

Mercury demo:

Chamber for Business Corporate Software Company Theme by ThemeForest

Chamber is the Wordpress theme for Business, Software, Corporate built by ThemeForest with latest Wordpress features. Custom Post Type, Unlimited Colors, Extensive admin panel etc.

Chamber demo:

Halo: Stunning Portfolio Theme by ThemeForest

Halo theme is a brand new timeless Portfolio Theme created by ThemeForest with some really stunning Features but still as clean and minimalistic as possible, concentrating the focus of Your Visitors absolutely on Your Work.

The Halo theme is great for everyone who might present his Work with beautiful Images, though the minimalistic timeless Design there are some neat Effects in the Halo theme

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Miniml Press Theme by ThemeForest

Miniml Press is a sleek, professional WordPress theme created by ThemeForest best suited for artist and business portfolios, creative professionals, or anyone wishing to display his/her work with a clean, minimalist layout.

Miniml Press demo:

Gridlocked: Minimalistic Theme by ThemeForest

Gridlocked is a grid-based, post-format supporting, layout-shuffling, minimalistic theme for creatives designed by ThemeForest. Gridlocked is both a classic portfolio for showcasing your work and a modern tumblr-style blogging system.

A truly versatile theme, Gridlocked can be configured to focus on your work, your blogging, or both. Support for post formats means you can jazz up your blog with

YEN - Magazine Theme by ThemeForest

YEN is a magazine, news and blog theme built by ThemeForest with the latest Wordpress features. 13 Custom Widgets, Wordpress featured image support and many more.

YEN demo:

Free Traffic App - Mass Traffic Accelerator

Mass Traffic Accelerator is the only Artificial Intelligence online App that delivers absolutely FREE, UNCONDITIONAL and UNLIMITED traffic to any niche (or nano-niche!), for any product, at any time!

Mass Traffic Accelerator has already changed the life of many online marketers and this year, is expected to be chosen as the "Best Marketing Tool". Mass Traffic Accelerator is a web based app that

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

SportPress Theme by WpZoom

SportPress is an elegant yet very powerful magazine theme created by WpZoom, with amazing functionality and awesome custom widgets, for making your website really stand out from the crowd.

SportPress demo:

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Briefed - Premium Theme by Woothemes

Briefed is for all types of designers & creatives thanks to it’s modular layout and clean, minimal design. The home page is completely customizable with a portfolio powered by custom post types, optional Dribbble feed, and jsMasonry for an adaptive layout.

Briefed demo:

Feather - Premium Theme by ElegantThemes

Feather is a theme created by ElegantThemes with a light and airy quality that gives your website a fun and care-free vibe. The theme is simple, but its subtle details and textures have been designed with care. If you are looking for a subdued design that is still stylistic and impressive, then Feather just might be the theme for you.

Feather demo:

Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

The Deluxe Business & Portfolio Theme by ThemeForest

The Deluxe is a WordPress theme created by ThemeForest with a Great Backend, 6 Admin Option Pages and Multi-level drop-down menu support. You can use your own fonts with your language special characters with it’s cufon implementation. You can easily edit your homepage and create your own shiny, eye-catching sliders… You will never regret using The Deluxe theme!

The Deluxe demo: http://

Vulcan - Minimalist Business Theme by ThemeForest

Vulcan is designed Modern and minimalist theme by ThemeForest, with easy to change color and header image to suit any kind of website. Vulcan is available in six color option, it comes with three variations homepage and packed with useful showcases to have your creative work displayed for customers and clients.

Vulcan demo:

Superb - Premium Wordpress Theme by Themeforest

Superb is a theme created by ThemeForest that combines a lot of essential features that are to be expected from modern wordpress theme. Unlimited color options with dynamically colorized images, advanced theme installer, uBillboard, uPricing and uAd are some of the features.

Superb demo:

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Aggregate Theme by ElegantThemes

Aggregate is a theme created by ElegantThemes that comes packed with tons of content and widget-ready areas, and manages to display everything in a clear and readable manner. We have also added some handy new widgets, as well as many new advertisement areas.

Aggregate demo:

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

eStore - Shopping Theme by ElegantThemes

eStore is a Wordpress theme created by ElegantThemes, that provides an elegant solution for those looking to sell products online. The eStore theme is easy to configure, and offers integration options with some of the most popular (and free) ecommerce plugins, including eShop and Simple PayPal Shopping cart. Also, due to the open-ended nature of the design, adding support for additional shopping

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

KIN - Minimalist Photography Theme by ThemeForest

KIN is a minimalist magazine style photography Wordpress Theme created by themeForest. With 2 style variations and support both image gallery and videos.

KIN demo:

Telegraph - Magazine Theme by WpZoom

Telegraph is a professional WordPress magazine theme created by WpZoom with a compact layout great for content-rich web-sites. Can be easily customized via Theme Options page.

Telegraph demo:

MiniBuzz - Minimalist Business WordPress Theme by ThemeForest

MiniBuzz is a simple, clean and minimalist business wordpress theme created by ThemeForest suitable for business, portfolio, company and corporate. This theme can also be used for personal or blog site.

The MiniBuzz theme is easy to use and flexible, easy to change color scheme in the theme options.

MiniBuzz demo:

Prosto - Business & Portfolio, CMS WordPress theme by ThemeForest

Prosto is a professional developed, clean designed Wordpress Theme by ThemeForest with powerful CMS features, and well suited for personal portfolio, blog, or any kind of business website. Easy to customize with extended admin panel for any kind of users. You can simply control your Prosto theme look and content without any special knowledge. Setup layout and choose custom sidebar for each page.

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

ShapeShifter Theme by ThemeForest - One Page, Infinite Possibilities

ShapeShifter is a single-page Wordpress theme created by ThemeForest that has been designed to be just about the simplest theme you could possibly use. This theme is lean, mean, and ready for you to install in minutes.

ShapeShifter demo:

Folioway - Premium Portfolio Theme by ThemeForest

Folioway is a clean and elegant theme created by Themeforest, incredibly powerful and flexible, it’s just the best wordpress theme for your or your company’s work presentation..

Folioway demo:

Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Chameleon Theme by ElegantThemes

Chameleons are known for their ability to change the color of their skin. The patterns and color combinations you find in chameleons are almost endless, and our new theme is no different! Chameleon was created by ElegantThemes to be a simple and professional theme with loads of customization options that do not require web development experience to utilize.

Chameleon demo: http://

Greatio Premium Theme by ThemeForest

Greatio is a Premium Wordpress Theme created by ThemeForest, best suited for Business, Portfolio, Interior and Architecture sites. It comes with some JQuery scripts which makes it better view. Also 7 color theme available (Red, Violet, Green, Blue, Orange, White and Wood).

Greatio demo:

Videozoom Video Theme by WpZoom

Videozoom is an elegant Video theme created by WpZoom with a neat featured slider, which is ready to play any videos you want to embed into your posts.

Videozoom demo:

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Kaboodle Theme by WooThemes

Kaboodle is a trendy, pixel-perfect, customizable business theme created by WooThemes with a clean layout, featured home page slider, and custom post types for testimonials, portfolio items, mini-features and slides. Every new business can do with a spiffy design like this!

Kaboodle demo:

Saving Grace Theme by WooThemes

Saving Grace is a theme specifically for charities and non-profit organizations. Designed by Matthew Smith, the theme features stunning typography and attention to detail. Saving Grace also include a donation functionality so you can accept donations through PayPal and let visitors see the progress of donations in the theme.

Saving Grace demo:

Premiere - Video Theme by WooThemes

Premiere is a powerful video-based theme created by WooThemes that is custom post driven, separating your video posts from your blog content. With a custom single video page template with great social sharing links, the option for your site visitors to recommend videos and a featured home page slider Premiere theme helps videographers, and movie fans alike – with great custom-ability.


Itworx - Premium Multipurpose Theme by ThemeForest

Itworx is a versatile and feature-packed theme created by ThemeForest that can be used for almost any kind of website.

Itworx demo:

Duotive Three - Complete Theme by ThemeForest

Duotive Three

-Color pickers so you can make your own color scheme.
-Make the theme represent you the best

There are also 18 predefined color schemes from which you can choose with a single click

-9 beautiful predefined fonts;
-Custom background images, color overlays and patterns for every page and post

The Custom sidebar manager helps you create custom sidebars and asign them to any

Walken Premium Theme by ThemeForest

Walken is a unique portfolio WordPress theme created by ThemeForest. It has been built from the ground up to take full advantage of brand new Wordpress features, including the WP3 Menu system, thumbnails, and lots more. Quite literally everything from the page layouts to custom Javascript features are configurable from a super easy to use options panel. Heck, Walken even comes with pre-packaged

Polaris Theme by WpZoom

Polaris is a photography/personal WordPress theme created by WpZoom with a modern layout that puts your photos in the spotlight. 7 elegant color styles to choose from.

Polaris demo:

Paradise Premium Theme by Themeforest

Paradise Wordpress Theme uses a great deal of white space, combined with a light background to create an ultra-clean feel to this site. The elements of this Paradise design are nicely spaced out, combined with a limited color-palette to create a clean overall design. The white background and elegant typography combines to make a very fresh design.

Paradise’s homepage provides visitors with the

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Premium Pixels - Fancy Pants Blog / Magazine Theme by ThemeForest

Premium Pixels is a theme created by ThemeForest, perfect for the blogger which takes pride in their appearance. This theme has appeared in numerous design galleries while serving and has gained countless ‘nods of approval’ from those in the know. Now it’s all yours.

Premium Pixels demo:

Viewfinder - Photography Theme by ThemeForest

Viewfinder is a photography theme created by ThemeForest which provides the perfect showcase for your art. There are nothing that will fall out out fashion, just a timeless design that focuses user’s attention on you and your talent.

Viewfinder is perfect for photographers which need a simple yet elegant showcase for their artwork. Coming in two different flavours, light or dark, and with the

Sansation – Business & Portfolio Premium Theme by ThemeForest

Sansation is a professionally-designed Premium Wordpress Theme by ThemeForest. This theme is perfect for all businesses, corporations and creative portfolio sites. It has powerful CMS functionality and a long list of premium features. Whether you’re a pro or just a beginner, you’ll have absolutely no trouble customizing Sansation theme.

Sansation demo:

RT-Theme 6 Bussiness Theme 5 in 1 by ThemeForest

RT-Theme 6 5 in 1 is a 5 style options and highly customizable wordpress theme created by ThemeForest. It's best suited for business, corporate or service websites.

RT-Theme 6 demo:

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

ChannelPro - Magazine Theme by ThemeJunkie

ChannelPro is a Premium (news/magazine) Wordpress theme created by ThemeJunkie.

ChannelPro demo:

Forester - Magazine Theme by ThemeJunkie

Forester is a premium Wordpress magazine theme created by ThemeJunkie.

Forester demo:

Newsworld - Magazine Theme by DeluxeThemes

Newsworld is the most recent News WordPress theme created by DeluxeThemes. It is a very unique, one of a kind magazine theme that allows you to run an advanced news portal in minutes. The Newsworld Magazine theme comes with very unique features.

Newsworld demo:

Arrowhead Theme by ThemeForest - 3 Skins

Arrowhead Theme is an elegant solution created by ThemeForest for your personal portfolio or for your business website. It comes with our AS2 XML Banner Rotator that, thanks to its very high configurability, will make your portfolio look very original.

A complete folder of well organized psd files is included to edit every single graphic element of the Arrowhead theme. We’ve created 3 different

Light of Peace Theme by ThemeForest

Light of Peace is a church Wordpress theme created by ThemeForest. Some people use it for wedding and non-profit website. There are four color scheme included in this theme. Light of Peace also has an admin panel.

Light of Peace demo:

Cadca Theme by ThemeForest - 6 Skins

Cadca Wordpress Theme is an elegant solution for your personal portfolio or for your business website created by ThemeForest. A complete folder of well organized psd files is included to edit every single graphic element of the Cadca theme.

Cadca demo:

Kamis, 28 April 2011

WP-Prolific Magazine Theme by Solostream

WP-Prolific is a bright, professional WordPress magazine theme created by Solostream and suitable for a basic blog, a website or a full-blown magazine site. It has a built-in control panel that makes it simple to use and modify.

WP-Prolific demo:

InReview Theme by ElegantThemes

InReview is an advanced Review Theme created by ElegantThemes that allows you to transform your WordPress blog into a fully-functional ratings website. The theme makes rating products easy with our custom options and integrated user-review system. The InReview theme also includes affiliate integrated and custom widgets to help you increase conversions.

InReview demo: http://

UniSphere Minim Corporate and Portfolio by ThemeForest

UniSphere Minim is a Wordpress theme designed with corporate businesses in mind. It has a custom CMS integrated into the Wordpress administration area that allows you to build a fully functional professional website in minutes. The UniSphere Minim theme is also well suited for online portfolios and blogs.

UniSphere Minim demo:

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Affair Theme by ThemeForest

Affair is a 2 column, magazine flavoured Wordpress theme, designed by ThemeForest to put your content at the forefront and give your blog a modern, stylish and professional feel. Featuring automatic thumbnail generation and custom social media links.

Affair theme is coded in Valid Xhtml and CSS , is ready to run straight out of the box and for those who like to tinker, customizing the theme is

Webly Theme by ElegantThemes

Webly is a professional theme created by ElegantThemes with just enough charm and whimsy to give your website that fun and unique edge. With powerful tools, such as the multimedia slider and content bar on the homepage, Webly provides you with creative ways to engage your visitors. If you are looking for creative theme that will make your business stand out from the crowd, then look no further!

Child Care Creative - WordPress Shop & Newsletter Theme by ThemeForest

Child Care Creative - WordPress Shop & Newsletter is an earthy illustrative design by ThemeForest aimed towards the child care industry, but it would be suitable for any children’s, family, art, craft, creative or environmental website. The Child Care Creative Wordpress Shop theme would be ideal for an online shop selling 10 to 50 products, an at-home day care center, or anything you feel would

MyCuisine - Restaurant Theme by ElegantThemes

MyCuisine is delicious, offering up some eye-catching visuals wrapped in a Tuscan shell. It is a small-business theme built by ElegantThemes with Restaurant in mind, however, MyCuisine theme can easily be adapted for any business that desires a cool, vintage aesthetic for the website.

MyCuisine demo:

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Widezine - Magazine Theme by ThemeForest

Widezine is an wide (liquid / fluid layout), clean, minimalistic, modern, premium Wordpress magazine created by ThemeForest, which also doubles as a community blog, news, editorial or whatever you’d like to use it for.

Widezine demo: